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              Pro-Polygamy Passport ™

Pro-Polygamy Passport ™

The time has come. Every genuine pro-polygamy supporter needs to have a way to "prove" that they are not an imposter, that they are someone who truly supports the pro-polygamy cause. It has become necessary.

As the modern pro-polygamy movement has advanced, anti-polygamists have conducted themselves as imposters. They pretend to be a pro-polygamist when, in fact, their entire purpose is to destroy or cause harm.

Such imposters will use various tactics. Some will come out with bizarre doctrine ideas to try to make it look like that is what "all" polygamists believe. Others will act like chest-pounders and come against kind individuals. Some imposters will pretend to be "friendly" in order to obtain personal information to try to use against good pro-polygamists. And yet others will clog up email lists of polygamy websites by signing up with freebie web-based email addresses that "go dead" shortly thereafter.

Email. Actually, freebie web-based email. That is the means by which such imposters are able to be so destructive and distractive. In just about every case, the imposter used a freebie web-based email address ---such as from and Even addresses may be obtained for free for 30 days, too. It is just too easy for people to sign up and close such addresses that imposters are easily able to quickly "come and go" without getting caught as to who they really are. It all comes down to the email address.

To solve that.... this web-site provides its trademark "Pro-Polygamy Passport" ™ system.

This site makes it possible for genuine pro-polygamy supporters to obtain their own premium email address. Such an address may ONLY be obtained here at this site. Having one's own email address @ allows a person to prove that they really are supporting the pro-polygamy cause.

How? That is the reason we charge $5 per month for the address. Only a genuine supporter would be willing to spend $5 a month, every month, in order to have such an address. An imposter is less likely willing to spend any money for that at all. And so, people with such an address prove that they are really supporting the pro-polygamy cause!

It is the "Pro-Polygamy Passport" ™

Because the webhost provider for is TruthBearer.NET, that pro-polygamy based service also collects the funds on this site's behalf to cover the costs of providing this site's "passport" service. In turn, revenues raised are then directed specifically toward advancing the pro-polygamy cause.

The use of this system is not limited to individuals. Other sites use this "Pro-Polygamy Passport" ™ system as a third-party security provider for their own web-site. Here are some current examples of other web-sites using this system.

Permission is NOT needed for any other web-site to employ this web-site's exclusive "Pro-Polygamy Passport" ™ system ---as long as such site(s) is/are not misrepresenting the pro-polygamy cause. While it will not raise any money for such sites specifically (unless other arrangements are made), it will provide them with the necessary security measure for "proof" of who is genuinely supporting the pro-polygamy cause. That's important for all genuine supporters!

If you do not have yours yet, that's not a problem. Start the process now to obtain your own "Pro-Polygamy Passport" ™. Get your own email address @ and you will soon be on your way!

If you still require assistance, please feel free to send a message to Customer Service.

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